The first conference – ZST-I (14.01.87–16.01.87) – was organized as a memorial one devoted to Zababakhin's 70-th anniversary and its main participants were employees of the Nuclear Centers VNIITF and VNIIEF. Its subjects turned out to be far beyond the frames of classified efforts, therefore the next conference ZST–II (16.01.90–19.01.90) was conducted as an all-Russia conference. The subsequent conferences became international.
Conferences dedicated to High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) are named after Evgeny Ivanovich Zababakhin (1917-1985), a prominent scientist, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, whose research produced a significant effect on the HEDP establishment in our country and who was a Scientific Director of RFNC-VNIITF for 25 years.